2018国庆英文祝福短信微信 国庆节英文祝福短信大全

时间:2019-11-02 11:37:14来源:[db:出处] 作者:admin点击:

2157266683418国庆节就要到了,在国庆节很多人会发各种短信微信祝福语,下面育儿网的小编就带来:2157266683418国庆英文祝福短信微信 国庆节英文祝福短信大全。

2157266683418国庆英文祝福短信微信 国庆节英文祝福短信大全


On this special occasion, may our great motherland be prosperousforever; may you be filled with good luck and good health a lifetime!


As National Day celebrated throughout the nation, may youspend the wonderful day with my sincerest wishes. Happy National Day!

欢度国庆,举国同庆!这美好的日子,让我用最真挚的祝福陪你度过! 国庆快乐!

Best wishes to our great country.


I love my country deeply.


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National Day holiday to again, let my blessing to bring you warm, let you of the world there will be no regret, wish you have a good time, eat at ease, comfortable, in short everything!


National Day, seven days to put a false, empty troubles memory, delete impetuous anguish, save the relaxed and happy, refresh the endless happiness. I wish friends a happy National Day, happy was packed.


A bowl of water on the bottom, on behalf of my heart, a Ye Qing sweet impression, on behalf of my sincerity. 11 season approaching, let little SMS bring you happiness happy!

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Autumn wind blast, missing continuously, autumn fluttering and blessings come, today is eleven, I wish you a happy to eat, play, le le ha ha have a happiness, happy holidays, happy National Day!


With caring needle and happy line, draw the outline of the pattern of peace, woven into a sweater for you happiness, hope you 11 days can you travel in the cold warm, I wish you a happy National Day!


I come lightly, away from the spring and summer; I faint smile, in this golden autumn; I silently to write, this simple text messages; Please read happy, the most sincere wishes. I wish a happy National Day!


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Meet with you in the fall, the National Day, in early winter long you think Christmas, kiss you have green grass in the spring, the gently just ask you - - National Day give me a better date, okay?


Autumn in October, national celebration. China, the carpet of flowers; HeGuoCheng music, such as tide, through this great and beautiful day send you my best wishes: happy every day, every happiness!


Is you make me lonely in the world of drying, is you put the sadness of my heart away, is you put my days of trouble buried deep, inner grateful beyond words, dear. Happy happy every day!


National Day have a pleasant goat, a little lazy to work, the boss still Wolffy, looks terrible but kind. Tidy up the mood music, zen career passion again, salary beauty, warm friends regards.

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